We have written our first poem with some students from the class of the Future:
The rat
There was a BIG BIG rat
that was not scared of cats.
One day she hid under my bed,
then came the cat...
OOPS! Rat is dead!
Álvaro, Pablo, Iker, Abu, Nora, Anabel, Laura C., Clara, Jenny and Maria
My eyes
My eyes are blue,
and I love you!
My eyes are red,
yum! I have bread!
My eyes are yellow,
and I say Hello!
My eyes are pink,
I like everything!
In the school,
in the school
I'm very cool
I understand all
because I'm very old
I like English, you see
Do you want to play with me?
The bad joke
One boy is VERY,VERY funny,
his name is Iker
and he loves his mummy.
He always tells jokes.
But one day the joke was to bad,
that the world went BOOOOOOM!!!
Do you want to share your poem with us?
Write it down as a comment!!!
Don't be shy!
There is a big big rat
ResponEliminain a big big flat.
Her eyes are red
and she hides under my bed.
She likes cheese
and also fish.
Marc, Héctor, Arnau, Nil, Júlia, Gissel·la, Lorea, Sara C., Xènia, Víctor and Maria
We forgot the title!!!!
EliminaThe title is: The Rat's flat